Blog Archive

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Cintaku PadaMu tak Bertepi

Limpahan nuansa hening malam yang tak bertepi
Takkan kutinggalkan hatiku untukMu
KepadaMu yang kini menyaksikan tingkahku
Dalam lautan perasaanku yang tak bertepi
Untuk mengharap ridhoMu ya Robb
Deru ombak seirama detak jantungku
Suatu mimpi penuh harap
Aku disini menangis  tak berrtepi
Tuk mengharap kasihMu ya Robb.

Ya Robbi,
Berikan kebahagiaan pada hambaMu ini
Bukakan pintu maafMu untukku
Muliakan derajat hambaMu ini
Tuk mewujudkan mimpi yang tak bertepi
Mimpi menuju jannahMu.

kuasaMu sungguh besar
tak sebanding dengan hambaMu ini:
kecil lagi berlumpur dosa
aku khilaf ya Robb,
dengan inderaku tercipta dosa:
dari tangan, kaki, lisan, telinga, mata, bahkan hatiku.

Ditangan terdapat kerajaanMu
Dibumi terdapat kekuasaanMu
Dilaut terdapat keMahabesaranMu
Disurga terdapat nikmatMu
Dineraka terdapat murkaMu (kutipan)

Ya Robbi, berikan kesempatan hamba
Mengucap AsmaMu berharap ampunanMu
Tulus hati ini ingin berjumpa denganMu

Monday 25 June 2012

Kuliah Kerja Lapangan (KKL)

Kuliah Kerja Lapangan IAIN Surakarta diadakan pada semester V, saya mengikuti KKL ke Malang.  Pilihannya ada 3, yaitu Bali, Malang, Jogja, aku pilih Malang karena rata-rata. nggak jauh juga nggak deket.

Nggak cuma KKL tapi juga tamasya ke Jatim Park,, disitu aku dapet banyak pengetahuan juga pengalaman.

liat fotoku ya,, hehehe :-)

ini bersama temenku namanya Rita.. :) ini berada di Villa Malang. sebelum perjalanan ke tujuan utama kita MIN/MAN Malang :)

rita is my close friend (temen deketku), 
ini sama handa and tya :)

ini acara di MAN Malang :)

ini foto kelas V E,, rame yah . . . :-D

Yah begitulah,, cukup sekian dulu sob!! thanks for watching. bye :)


They Need You: Maybe

When I felt,
When I though,
That you are a trouble maker.

When I though him, I don’t know what he means.
I want not to it happen to me. This feeling had been bother  me.
I wanna kill this feeling or forget it and I wanna go far away from it.
But I just  can’t.

I though that whoever they are dislike to me.
It just cos of you, than I’m with you, there are my friends dislike to me.
The evidences look clearly and I also feel about that.
Long  time ago when I was sleeping my handphone received some sms from my friend.
The time, I felt too strange, why did she sms too night??? And what she mean about the sms???
And many others evidence. I can’t write down here (I never though her that she did like this).

I ever though that I wanna  different campus.
And also I decided to make a new account facebook.
Till now my brain still trouble.
I just can say: FORGET FORGET FORGET when I remember it.


mampukah kita??


Taburan wangi melati dimalam sunyi
Mengaca pada diri seakan hanya seorang
nuansa hening malam semakin meluluhkakn hati
merasakan kesunyian dalam damainya hati

tetesan embun suci di pepohonan
juga hati ini masih merasa kesucian untuk tiada lagi mengulang kefatalan
lembab tanah di pagi nan sejuk
menghilangkan kejenuhan hati dari kesalahan

suara kicau burung di pagi berembun
disana telah ada untuk kita, tidak pantas seandainya kita berbuat sekehendak hati
biarlah Dia yang mengatur karna Dia Maha Pengatur

kicau burung smakin menjadi-jadi juga lembu dan kambing milik tetangga
ini bukti keagungan dan keberadaanNya

sudahkah bercita-cita tinggi
yang belum mampu kau raih,
sudahlah untuk berfikir mewah
baiknya kita begini adanya
sudahlah jangan gengsi
karna kita suatu saat akan sirna
sudahlah jangan menangisi kepergiannya
karna suatu saat kita "kan berjumpa lagi" 


why sould be me by nurul auri dewi

Why Should Be Me???
Created By Nurul Auri Dewi, S. Pd

On January to March, these time are very busy for the students of Senior High School to prepare their final examination. Nam is one of the students in Senior High School Solo. She is diligent especially in study. She always do the task on time although she never to be the best student in her class. She did patient if she got the bad point. She believed that she can do better in the next time. She has dreams and spirit for better in her future. She wishes that she can make her parents proud her. She is not only doing the best but also praying to God. She wishes God gives easy to achieve her dreams and passes the examination well. She also asked her mother and her brother to pray her. The time she was very anxiety to pass the examination because she is not really understand yet in English lesson but she always study hard. She made the best use of times to study hard, every night since 6.30 p.m to 9.00 p.m her time to study while hearing the music, she loves music so much. Occasionally her brother asked about his homework. She is really patient to teach her brother to understand well. Beside she must dispart her time for herself she must also help her parents and her brother. Helping her parents in her home is her obligation but if she has not many tasks she can do but if she has many tasks she cannot do anything for her parents. Her mother knows her well, so she did not demand to do the work in her home. Her mother loved her very much. She wishes her child can success on her study and her future. She is not only wishes she gets her achievement well but also wishes she can make her brother smart also, so she must dispart her time for herself and another. She loved her family very much.
In the morning she was waiting for her friends in the front of the class while reading a book. The beautiful wind sweeps her face softly. She took breath with full of enjoyment. When Nam was reading her book on her hand, Shoe came on her suddenly and he said hello. Nam replied hello reluctant because she did not know him. With any clumsy he asks about the lesson. He asked about English while he gave the book to her. She holds his book and saw the questions. She just smile and she just a shake of her head that she did not understand also. She ordered to ask Nancy. Nancy is her classmate. She is clever in English lesson. She seldom get the bad point in English lesson. She can speak English fluently. Suddenly the school is crowded of the students who want to enter the classroom. The situation was very noise.  When they talked each other, in a little while Nancy, Rey, Myen and Nety came together. They are Nam’s classmate. Nam saw them. She called Nancy politely. She came on Nam cheerfully. But Rey, Myen, and Nety sat down on the brown chair beside Nam. They talked each other and Rey always make a joke. Myen looks elegant with her beautiful new skirt. And Nety looks as an actress, her makes up is really nice.“What?” Nancy said while walking to Nam. “Come here! I want to ask you” Nam said. Shoe just looked at Nancy and said that she is Nancy? “Yes” Nam said. “She is beautiful” he said. “yes, of course, because she is my friend, he he he… (Just kidding).. She has a boyfriend” Nam said. “owh yeah..??!” he said surprise. Nancy asked them “what are you talking about?” Owh… No, I just ask these questions. “Do you know it?” Nam asked. Nancy saw and told them. In a few minute Nam said “sorry I will join them while showing to Rey, Myen and Nety”.  “Yes” he said seriously on Nancy’s telling. Some minutes she told him clearly. When Shoe paid attention on Nancy’s explanation Mr. Dave came close him that he would reminding him about volley ball match this evening. Then Mr. Dave continued his way.
This morning Theo and Jeremy looked like Tom and Jerry. They grabbed the meals each other. They came to Shoe suddenly. Theo and Jeremy are Shoe’s volley ball club. They are the best friends. They often got lunch or dinner together if they have free time. “Hoi, brotha! What’s up?” they said with surprised him. “Hoi, I am doing something, do you want to meet Nety?” Shoe asked Jeremy. Jeremy is Nety’s boyfried. “No, I does not, we just want to remind that this evening we will do the volley ball match to other school” Jeremy said. Theo sat down beside Shoe and holds the book which is holding Shoe. “Okay! Thanks for reminding” Shoe replied happily. Theo and Jeremy do permission to enter their classroom. On their way Nety asked them suddenly “Hi… why do you walk through here?”. Nety is Jeremy’s girlfriend. She thought that their classroom far from here. “I remind Shoe that this evening we will do the volley ball match” Theo replied. Without any clumsy they walked to their classroom. Tet…tett…tettt… the bell is ringing. Nam, Rey, Myen, Nety do permission. They want to enter the classroom. The bell had rung she still tells him and talks each other about something. “You do not enter your classroom? Your teacher has come.” she asked. “Yes, I will enter to my classroom. Thank you for your help” he said. “You are welcome” she said.
In the morning sun rise slowly and warm was felt in the outdoor. Nancy entered the class feeling cold. The teacher came and the lesson was begun. Miss Dea is a Mathematics teacher. Miss Dea is beautiful and kind teacher. The students love her so much. Sometimes she gave the gift for the best student. She appreciated whatever the students do. She never angry to the students but she gave punishment for the students who do the fault. The time, the situation in the classroom is comfortable until the lesson finished. The bell rings. Most of the students prepare to pray in the mosque especially Nam, Nancy, Rey and Myen. They went together to the mosque, oftentimes, Rey made a joke then they are laugh. Rey is a humorist girl. The handphone’s Nam was ringing. She received a SMS from her brother that her brother got the scholarship from his school. She is very happy. She replied the SMS to congratulate him. The time, Nety did not join them. She went to the library to do the assignment there. She seeks some books; suddenly the boy came to her. The boy name is Tom. He knew her well in OSIS organization. “Hi.. Nety! What book did you seek?” Tom asked. “Hi… “Nety is surprise but furthermore she knew him and said: “how are you?”. “I am very well” Tom replied, “by the way, what is your friend’s name who sat down in the front of the class this morning?” Tom asked. Nety is thinking who he meant!! Then Nancy asked “did you mean Nam?” Suddenly Jeremy, Shoe and Theo entered the library; he sat down on the chair that is any some newspapers on the table. They read some newspapers about sport. When Nety and Tom talked each other. She saw them then she invited Tom to sit down there. They came close them and sat down beside Shoe and Theo. She said hello to them and they replied hello too. Shoe replied first and continued by Theo and Jeremy. When they talked each other Tom did permission and left them suddenly. Jeremy is Nety’s boyfriend. Because he loved Kentucky he invited her to eat Kentucky after did volley ball match with his friends. She replied that “this evening I have the schedule with my family to visit the mall in Jogjakarta so I cannot join your invitation” and she said thanks to them. Jeremy just smile and said “that’s never mind”. Jeremy talked while Theo and Shoe were reading the newspaper. Theo showed some news that volley ball match 2011 China VS Korea 2-2. He is very surprise. Theo laughed, HA HA HA… He knew that the news is expiring. Jeremy said “HEY.. Shut up!! This is a library!! While raise to the table”. “Sorry.. I forget” Theo replied. The bell was ringing when they talked. The library was crowded. It was full of the students. They went to the classroom themselves and said good bye each other.
On the way to the classroom Nancy was reading the SMS from Zee. He informed her that he had come back from Japan. He had graduated from his lecture there. She was so glad while she continued her way to the classroom. In the front of the class crowded of the students, any who eat, sing alone, read a comic, read a novel, talk each other, dreaming and any other. Nety told her that Tom asked about her. But Nam did not know him and she did not care him. She just focused on her study not anything else moreover about love she does not care that. In a little while Mrs.Thii came in classroom. Mrs Thii taught English lesson. The students hurried into classroom when they saw their teacher. But Nancy does not saw yet here. She was holding the hand phone and running fast, she came late. She said sorry to her teacher politely. The teacher just smile and said “never mind but some other time does not something again” her advice. The teacher spoke while Nancy walked to her chair and said thanks for her. The time is English lesson. Mrs Thii taught them clearly. The lesson run well till afternoon and the bell was ringing. Taking a rest for 30 minutes, the students did whatever they do. Nam listened the music and read the short story while Nancy read an English novel. In the free time Nancy told her that Shoe asked her this morning. But Nam did not care it. They continued their reading. Noise class made Rey, Myen and Nety are not comfort. They went to the beautiful garden beside the mosque and brought some books. The garden full of flower and some fruits which are may to pick if the fruits had had ripe. On the comfortable place they ordered three drinks and some meals. They had finished their meals. Suddenly they heard the ringing bell. They came in their classroom. At 2 p.m the students of third grade did the additional lessons.
Nam is diligent student. She is seldom absent. She often present and joins the additional lessons in her school. Those evening is cloudy and It is rain. Occasionally the lesson is stopped. But the teacher gave assignment from the book. The students did the assignments. Nam was discussing with her friends till the time had finished at 4 p.m. The students looks very glad because the time to come back home. The rainbow in the sky looks very beautiful. But Nam worried it because few of understanding about English. She often asks Nancy. Nancy often get the best point in English but in mathematics she is low. She has inverse with Nam. Nam is clever in Mathematics. Both Nancy and Nam always study together. They are to be a friend since Elementary School till now. They know each other. They never make quarrel, just a few minute then they have better. The time rain was stop. Nam packed their books and said good bye to her friends. The evening was cloudy and cold wind Nam goes back home from the school with her beloved motorcycle. She drove motorcycle carefully. Until in her village she drove her motorcycle slowly because in her village is not good if we drive fast. “It is impolite” said elders.
On the way she saw a boy. His name is Aal. Absolutely he would go to the mosque to teach some students. He is religious boy.
           ONE WEEK LATER…
In the chamber Nam heard her father called her. She came out from it. There was a girl who seeks her. The girl is Nam’s friend. Her name is Lea. Lea wanted to her for helping some assignments. Nam taught her clearly till the night. Nam’s mother is very kind. She served some meals and drinks for them. She taught her while her brother study beside her. The night they are very sleepy. Lea went back her home and thanked her very much. In the morning Lea sent SMS to Nam that someone said about her, Nam asked “who are they? Whether man or woman?”, “man” Lea said. Without thinking long, she does not care her statement and she said thanks. In the afternoon when Nam was sitting down and watching the movie her younger brother invited her to vacation. She rejected her because she was very busy. 
At 2009 Nam graduated Senior High School. She continued to study in the Sebelas Maret University. At 2011 she taught in the mosque. Some students care of her.
Aal propose Nam without any doubt. He loved her so much. Both Aal and Nam loved each other. Their friends congratulated them in their wedding party. Day by day, month by month and year by year, their life is colorful, many stories in their life. Until their fourth children is birth.